Monday, February 7, 2011


Apparently there are many complexities in the creative personality. I was just stumbling and I found this information about their multiple characteristics.

Here are a few qualities, summarized:
  • A great deal of physical energy alternating with a great need for quiet and rest.

  • Highly sexual, yet often celibate, especially when working.
  • Smart and naïve at the same time. A mix of wisdom and childishness. Emotional immaturity along with the deepest insights.
  • Convergent (rational, left brain, sound judgment) and divergent (intuitive, right brain, visionary) thinking…
  • Both extroverted and introverted, needing people and solitude equally.
  • Humble and proud, both painfully self-doubting and wildly self-confident.
  • May defy gender stereotypes, and are likely to have not only the strengths of their own gender but those of the other as well. A kind of psychic androgyny.

I can think of many art students that exhibit one or more of these qualities..... me too.

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