Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Today was the first day of drawing in life drawing class...and I forgot my supplies. But my boyfriend came to the rescue with my forgotten tote bag and I returned the borrowed charcoal pencil to a friendly savior. For some reason, as we were waiting for the model to come out, I was butterflies in my stomach nervous. I think I was nervous for the model or something. But once she was up there and in the first pose, I relaxed. I didn't see her as a fellow student, I saw her as a tool for the advancement of my learning. She was something to draw and see and experience.

I did a painting in high school of a human back from an old anatomy book. I was a originally an anatomical sketch by Leonardo da Vinci. But it was curvy and beautiful and ever since then the back has intrigued me. The way it bends and curves and the way the underlying muscle becomes tight beneath the skin is mesmerizing. Amy said the first thing we would be learning is the spinal column and I couldn't be more excited. I am now more excited for this class than any other I have taken.

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